Wednesday, October 19, 2011

GLKit Framework

The GLKit framework (GLKit.framework) contains a set of Objective-C based utility classes that simplify the effort required to create an OpenGL ES 2.0 application. GLKit provides support for four key areas of application development: The GLKView and GLKViewController classes provide a standard implementation of an OpenGL ES–enabled view and associated rendering loop. The view manages the underlying framebuffer object on behalf of the application; your application just draws to it. The GLKTextureLoader class provides image conversion and loading routines to your application, allowing it to automatically load texture images into your context. It can load textures synchronously or asynchronously. When loading textures asynchronously, your application provides a completion handler block to be called when the texture is loaded into your context. The GLKit framework provides implementations of vector, matrix, and quaternions as well as a matrix stack operation to provides the same functionality found in OpenGL ES 1.1. The GLKBaseEffect, GLKSkyboxEffect, and GLKReflectionMapEffect classes provide precreated, configurable graphics shaders that implement commonly used graphics operations. In particular, the GLKBaseEffect class implements the lighting and material model found in the OpenGL ES 1.1 specification, simplifying the effort required to migrate an application from OpenGL ES 1.1 to OpenGL ES 2.0.

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